The paper offers a scheme of improved loop integration with digital mixer, operation speed of synchronous counting chain is much lower than the routine ones, but other functions of this loop would be the same with a common loop. 本文提出一种带数字混频器的改进环合成方案,其同步计数链的运算速度较之常规大为降低,而其他性能仍可做到和常规环一样。
In teaching it, the teaching methods of integration and division can be combined to help students to master the routine. 教学时采用完整教学和分解教学相结合的方法,能使学生更好地掌握五步拳的套路动作。
The general military information integration system ( GMIIS) about reserved brigades is the key part of many military departments, and is important for the military routine management, war games, and military emergencies. 预备旅军事综合信息系统在预备旅(团级)的日常军事管理、军事演习和军事应急事件中占有十分重要的地位,是军事机关工作的的核心。
This information management is based on PDM technique, focusing on managements of teachers-related data and the integration of the data, functions, and processes, which provides decision-making supports for managements of teaching and office routine. 该系统是以PDM技术为基础,重在管理与教师有关的数据,在此基础上解决教师管理中的数据、功能、过程集成,为教学管理、日常管理提供决策支持。